Tag Archives: mire

Part III – The Miocene Coal-Bearing Section: Geological Time Travel in East Kalimantan. The Society for Organic Petrology Field Trip

The next morning we woke up in the Miocene. After two full days of living in the present, we found ourselves fossicking around in sediments that were 15 million years old. They say a lot can happen in an afternoon, and indeed a lot did happen in the previous 5 billion afternoons. The march of […]

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32nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Organic Petrology, September 2015: On the Edge – Hydrocarbons in the Tropics

The Indonesian Archipelago is vast, diverse and exciting. The culture is as deep and varied as it’s geology and history. It is a region at the nexus, or on the edge if you will, of almost everything; and that includes hydrocarbon generation. Indonesia has been exploiting petroleum for almost two hundred years and coal mining […]

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